Many companies today depend mainly on digital marketing to grasp more customers and increase their sales, so it became crucial to actually know the number of visitors and how do those visitors respond to your content, or in other words understand your website traffic tools. Such tracking will help you improve your marketing strategy and know what works best for you, giving you assurance of the methods you are using to have more customers and make higher profit. If you are a business owner and you want to understand your website traffic tools, then you are in the right place because this article will present to you 9 tips that will help you know more about your website traffic tools.

As knowing your website traffic became of great importance, a lot of emerging apps and programs are now used to track and analyze your website activity. Due to the variety present, it is now difficult to actually pick up the right or the best program to use to know your website traffic tools. Accordingly, here is a prepared list that many users think they are the best for knowing your website traffic tools:

website traffic tools

  1. Google Analytics

Yes, Google Analytics is one of the best programs that tells you about your website traffic tools because Google is the tool that actually ranks your site, so you are getting the most accurate data. Fortunately, Google Analytics is free and gives you a detailed report. You can start by just viewing your traffic.

  1. Ahrefs

When talking about traffic tracking, Ahrefs is a very useful tool that gives you information like the highest attributed rankings to the best keywords and gives you some chances and ideas to improve your plan for higher traffic.

  1. Matomo

Similar to Google Analytics, Matomo is free and supplies you with great quality information regarding your website traffic tools. You are also allowed to customize your report to pick the information that you need to have from Matomo but the only concern is that Matomo is self-hosted, so there might be some privacy concerns.

  1. Leadlander

This is a kind of statistical program that gives you an overview on which companies visit which pages, so it is more like an intuitive program that shows you the target of some companies. Accordingly, you can modify your plan and content by understanding your website traffic tools and adjusting them according to the Leadlander results.


What makes this website very valuable is that it doesn’t only tell you the number of visitors, but also it shows you the names of some companies visiting your site to let you be able to track them and know if they are interested in your content. So this tool actually helps you understand your website traffic tools and confirms if you are attracting the right visitors.

  1. Heap


Some people don’t have the qualifications or capabilities to comprehend the data retrieved from Google Analytics, so an easier version that helps you know more about your website traffic tools is needed. Heap is this easier version!

  1. W3Counter 

This tool is very useful and unique because it has a free and a paid service according to your status and level of tracking. You will not need to spend a lot of effort to comprehend your website traffic tools because W3Counter is very simplified and got what it takes.

  1. Your Server Logs

Not all of the data is present in Google Analytics. Some data like click fraud, brute-force attempts, and attacks aren’t found in the report supplied by Google Analytics. Accordingly, you have to check your server logs to know more about such information.

  1. Heat Map

Having a clear representation on how the users navigate on your website is a very powerful way that gives you a clear visualization. A heat map tool also gives you information about session duration, which is a very important factor in traffic monitoring.

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What is Web Traffic?